Thursday, May 14, 2009

SO ready...

So... for those of you who know I have been off of work for medical reasons.. I will spare you all the horrible details, if you are family you know about it, BUT.. I AM HEALTHY NOW..THANK GOODNESS .. It has been terrible, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.. I get to go back to work on Monday!! I am so ready to be back on a schedule and have normalcy! I have never been more ready to be back at work in my life.. I am also just ready for a weekend where I feel good, which will (fingers crossed) be this weekend.. who knows I may have a beer or a glass of wine! yay!
SO I shot a wedding a couple of weekends ago, Troy and Miriah were SO much fun. I have gotten some of the pictures are just a few...

There will be a million more to come, seeing as I took like 900!!!! It was a great time!

I also just edited my sisters senior grad party invite.. I can't believe that my youngest sister is graduating high school. It is pretty surreal. I am so proud of her. She is such a great girl! I really like the invite! For those of you who know her, your invited! The more the merrier!

So since I have been sick and needed something to take my mind off of what is going on in my life I have decided to start a garden. We have a townhome so it is a Patio Garden of Pots! :) It is so cute! I will post pictures of it as it grows! But anyways, we are growing Tomato's, Green Beans, Green Onions, Jalopeno, Cilantro, Basil and flowers on our front porch! The tomato plant is already growing like wildfire! It is amazing what a little bit of water, sun and Miracle Grow can do, and we just potted it on Sunday.. hopefully it will produce great veggies for us!! My main goal is to make a lot of yummy salsa!! I make it every year with my mom's veggies.. Murphy our cat keeps looking out there all the time.. too bad he is not allowed out! We don't want to lose him! Here are some pictures of the garden today!

Alright well I think that is enough for today.. I have updated you all a little on my life.. I am not sure if I will be able to update this everyday, or every other day or once a week.. But I do know that I really like this a lot so far! :)
And my quote...
"One of the greatest gifts that life can give to anyone is the very special love that families share...As years go by, it's good to know that there will always be certain people in our lives who care. For there are countless things that only families have in common and memories that no one else can make...And these precious ties that bind a family together are bonds that time and distance cannot break. How fortunate we are when we have relatives to love us, it makes the world a happy place to be...Few gifts in life will last as long or touch the heart as deeply as the very special gift of family." - Craig S. Tunks

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