Wednesday, September 9, 2009

WOW... It's been a while!

o1. What Color Is Your Toothbrush? I use a Sonicare.. gotta love my healthy gums :)
o2. Name One Person That Made You Smile Today: My cousin Kaedin.. He called me and told me he misses his "Wimsey Macole"- Lindsey Nicole :)
o3. What Were You Doing At 8 Am This Morning? Hacking up a lung.. gotta love the FLU :(
o4. What Were You Doing 45 Minutes Ago? Eating dinner, really early!
o5. What Is Your Favorite Candy? Mounds Bars!!
o6. What's Your Favorite Food? Filets!!!
o7. What's the last thing you said out loud? "is that a midget?!?"- I was watching Oprah.
o8. What Is The Best Ice Cream Flavor? Mint Chocolate Chip from Graeter's
o9.What is the last thing you drank? Sunkist-- I know..Bad..
10. What Is The Longest You Have Gone Without Sleeping? Like 26 hours- Relay for Life
11. Have You Ever Made a Promise You'd Die to Keep? Die- probably not..
12. The Last Sporting Event You Watched? Tennis
13. What Is Your Favorite Flavor Of Popcorn? Kettle Corn
14. Ever go camping? It's been forever!!!!
15. Do You Take Vitamins Daily? Yes
16. Do You Go To Church Every Sunday? Not EVERY Sunday
17. Do You Drink Your Soda With A Straw? If it is from a Fast Food place...
18. What Did Your Last Text Message say? A healthy baby! I don't even care what it is, Just Healthy!!- My friend, she's PREGGOOOOO!
19. Where Is Your Dad? Probably driving home from work?
20. Look To Your Left, What Do you see? One of my couch pillows falling over.
21. What Color Is Your Watch? It is silver, with little diamonds. It is a Fossil from my hubby on our wedding day. I love it!
22. What did you do yesterday? Found out I have the flu. Went and got my medicine, slept, slept, coughed ALOT, and slept some more. :)
23. Do You Go In At A Fast Food Place Or Just Hit The Drive Thru? Depends on how busy it is.
24. What Is Your Favorite Number? Hmmm I don't really have one?
25. Who's The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone? My mom. She was checking in on me and my sick hubby.
26. Any Plans Today? Nope we are not allowed out of our home! This H1N1 stuff is NO JOKE!
27. Biggest Annoyance In Your Life Right Now? My surgery that is planned for next month. :(
28. Last Song Listened To? I have no idea!
29. Can You Say The Alphabet Backwards? Nope!
30. Favorite Pair Of Shoes You Wear All The Time? Depends on what season it is. I love my black pumps or any of my flats!
31. Do You Love Anyone? :0) Yes!
32. What Do You Usually Do During The Day? Work. Come home and cook dinner, then hang out with the hubby!
33. Do You Hate Anyone That You Know Right Now? Hate is a VERY strong word. I do dislike people though!
34. Do You Use The Word 'hello' Daily? Yep
35. Do You Like Cats? I love my Murphy Boy. I am definately a CAT person!
36. Have You Ever Been To Six Flags? Yep- Cleveland
37. How Did You Get Your Worst Scar? I was jumping on my parents bed and fell off and bumped my head! :) Had to get a lot of stitches in my eyelid!
38.. Last CD Played? Ummmm, a burnt one in my car, but usually I just use the iPod hook up.
39. Last Bubble Bath? Last night! I'm sick!!
40. Last Meal?Matt and I just made our favorite homemade pizza's, with olive oil, fresh mozzarella and basil!
41. Have You Ever Dated Someone Twice? The man I married!
42.. Have You Ever Lost Someone? Yes- :( It's been a rough year.
43. Have You Ever Slept Until 1pm? Only when I am sick!
44. Have You Met A Famous Person? Ummm... Not that I recall!
45. List Three People You Can Tell Pretty Much Anything: My mom, My aunt and My Hubby.
46. List Five Favorite Colors/shades: Black, Grey, Tiffany Blue, Pink and Yellow.
47. Whats your favorite TV show? 24, LOST & Biggest Loser
48.Favorite Books? My Sister's Keeper, The Plain Truth and Twilight
49.How many sibling do you have? 3 Sister's and 1 Brother
50.How many babies do you want to have? I want 3, Hubby wants 2!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

CRAZY weekend & NEW JOB!! Yay!!

SO, I know it is almost Friday again... but I needed to update with new pictures and a little on my life...
So we had a CRAZYYYY weekend... But it was SO much fun!
Friday night we went out and saw my brother's band play.. THEY ROCK... they have really been getting busy around here!! They have gigs every weekend.. SO we went out and saw them.. We didn't stay out too late because I had a busy day ahead of me! But here is a pic from going out.. I am on the left, my brother's girlfriend Courtney is in the center, and my favorite aunt "Weezie" is on the right.. and we accidentally cut our friend Abbey out... Ooops!!!!

Then SATURDAY... wow what a day... So I had a Bridal Shower to go was a very pretty shower.. I forgot my camera, so no pics for that...

Then I had a Graduation best friend, Anna, from high school, well her brother Nick graduated.. so that was cool...

THEN!!! We had the Bachelorette Party!! It was awesome.. We went to Shadowbox Cabaret, which is like a comedy skit club.. then we just went out to one bar afterwards... But we had a DD and had a really good time!! Here are some shots from that!... Okay SO I had a little too much to drink... BUT we were all on our best behavior! :)

And then on Sunday my littlest sister GRADUATED from William V. Fisher Catholic High School!!!!! I am SO proud of her!! She is my little big sister, as I call her. :) I love her so much and can't wait to see where God takes her down the crazy road of life... CONGRATS ALL 2009 GRADUATES!! Here are some shots from that!

OH & the greatest news yet... I GOT A NEW JOB! I START MONDAY, JUNE 22!!! YAY!! My workplace now is just not where I want to be at all... I am just happy that hard work and perseverance pays off!! Not to mention it is going to be better pay...and 2 miles from my house!! Woop Woop!

So now this coming up weekend we have her Graduation Party... I have been busy all week getting stuff done for her party, so I am sure at some point next week I will upload with pictures from that...

This one is for my baby sister :)

I hope that days come easy and moments pass slow,

And each road leads you where you want to go,

And if you're faced with a choice,

and you have to choose,

I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.

And if one door opens to another door closed,

I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,

If it's cold outside,

show the world the warmth of your smile,

More then anything,

more then anything,

My wish, for you,

is that this life becomes all that you want it to,

your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,

You never need to carry more then you can hold,

And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,

I hope you know somebody loves you,

and wants the same things too,

Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back,

but ya never forget,

All the ones who love you,

in the place you left,

I hope you always forgive,

and you never regret,

And you help somebody every chance you get,

Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,

And you always give more then you take.

Oh More then anything,

Yeah, and more then anything,

My wish, for you,

Is that this life becomes all that you want it to,

Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,

You never need to carry more then you can hold,

And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,

I hope you know somebody loves you,

and wants the same things too,

Yeah, this, is my wish.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reading a good book!

So I am reading an amazing book... It is about a man who has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, and about his last lecture he will ever give, and how he has to leave a legacy for his three young children so they remember their dad...If your in need of a good book, I HIGHLY recommend it :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One month ago today...

So we went to the cabin again this weekend. We just needed it. My parents and our cousins went with us.. It was awesome..

It has been hard. Today is exactly a month since I went into the hospital and got the saddest news of my ENTIRE life. It seems like it was just yesterday. It has made today super hard. I can't help but think I should be THAT much closer to seeing my baby. I mean in a way I am that much closer, because I will eventually see it in heaven.. but I should have been 1 month closer to having him or her in my arms. I miss it. I miss the feeling of just knowing I was providing a safe haven for a perfect little being. It's so hard. Noone understands except the people who have gone through something like this, and forever I will be grateful to everyone who has helped me through everything.
So I had a follow up appointment on Friday. Dr. Parker is an amazing doctor. He is just so great not only as a Doctor but just as a human being too. He definately knows how to comfort people in these times of need. So I went in for another internal U/S. As of today it has officially been 4 weeks since I had the shots of methotrexate, so on Friday just a couple days short of 4 weeks... Anyways, the mass in my fallopian tube, which was my baby, has increased in size. I also now have a mass in my uterus which he thinks is just blood. CRAZY. He seemed kind of dumbfounded by it. My HCG levels are now in the 300's, so he says that they are decreasing perfectly and there is no reason to be concerned. He actually doesn't want to see me for an U/S until August 28th.. Kind of scares me since the mass grew, but I know he is an awesome doctor so I should just trust his opinion. In the meantime, he said if I have any excruciating pain at all I need to go to the hospital... STAT... He also said that we should wait 3-6 months to try again.. which made me sad because I was thinking we already had a month behind us.. Who knows.. Matt and I have decided that we are going to be careful but come August no matter what it is baby making time :)
Well I am going to cut this short...I have tons more to talk about but I am just kind of sad so I will update later! xoxox

"God won't make a mountain I can't climb..."- Not sure who wrote this, but I like it :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another good weekend!

It started off by having an AWESOME wedding to attend.. My good friend Mandie from high school got married! Her wedding was gorgeous.. and so was she!! It was so nice to be with good friends and it was so amazing the way her NEW hubby looked at her as he was saying his vows.. It brought tears to my eyes... he was just saying them and was COMPLETELY in love with her..Here are some pictures from their beautiful wedding!

After the wedding we went straight home, packed and were out at Matt's parents cabin by 5 pm.. It was a GREAT getaway.. It was just so awesome to be away from all the responsibilities of normal everyday life! We just relaxed, sat around the fire and hung out with family. I actually had my pain spell come back for the weekend, which stunk, but it wasn't something that my meds didn't control! BECAUSE I was so relaxed, I only took 1 picture... It is the picture of my husband.. with ORANGE gloves on, doing the dishes!! He is too funny, and then the other ones are a couple months old, but this cabin is just the best place ever!

Then on Monday we went swimming all day with family!

AND AT LAST.... My AMAZING garden!!! Look at all the green!! My tomato plant isn't doing GREAT, but my green beans are!!

This Memorial Day weekend was just SO nice. It was a great feeling to just FORGET everything.. I can say forget, but I didn't at all..but I was just reminded of HOW AMAZING the people and surroundings in my life are! And it is making this JOURNEY, that much better!

And my Quote:

" You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip."Jonathan Carroll

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Get AWAY weekend!!!

Ahhh. I feel SO fortunate, we are going away for the weekend to my husband's parent's cabin! They will be there too but it will be such a nice getaway from everything we have been going through!! They own 8 acres and it is in the middle of NOWHERE... the stars are amazing, and we have 3-4 wheelers we take with us...we plan on going fishing (I haven't gone in years!).. we usually get out there at LEAST every 6 weeks.. it will be a nice long weekend.. the last time we were there is when we conceived..SO BYE FRIENDS!! Have a GREAT Memorial Day!! I will upload with pictures when I get back!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

:( Sad Day Yesterday

So...I asked Matt to HIDE all baby stuff! The day before finding out I was having an ectopic pregnancy I had my first Dr.'s appointment, they gave me a folder of pregnancy stuff, I scheduled my U/S appointment, then I went to Target to get some cute stuff because I was SO excited!!

So, I am cleaning YESTERDAY.. of ALL DAYS!! And then BAM- right in my face falls out an appointment card... saying I have SHOULD have had an appointment at 2:40... Not only just an appointment, but my ultrasound...

Talk about being devastated AGAIN... It brought back every emotion.. I was sobbing... I'm not mad at Matt at all, he did do very well at hiding it all.. so since I blog, I decided I wanted to take some pictures of it all.. Because that is my emotional therapy, pictures and colors.. lol.. and boy do they make cute baby stuff these days!!.. At least next time we get preggers I will have some special stuff for our baby!
Just thought I would share..

"Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that’s all. You can’t see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nuture it. You hold it. You dance with it." -Mitch Albom

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Weekend...

I had a great weekend!! Finally feeling MUCH better! On Friday, Matt and I took our cousins Chloe and Katelyn to the zoo.. Chloe will be 3 in August and Katelyn just turned 1 this month. All I can say is WOW!! Two kids are alot to handle!! It was a GORGEOUS day.. and they really had a good time.. It was just hard.. We were in for a rude awakening! But here are some pictures of them.. they are too cute!!

On the way home from the Zoo I had to stop at my cousins and take a headshot of her.. she is trying out for RENT.. how cool huh?! Well anyways, she is so cute too, so I took a couple extra pictures.. so this is my favorite picture of her!

Then on Saturday I spent the whole day at my cousins dance recital.. My cousin Jenny has 5 daughters.. Now Jenny is more like an Aunt to me.. so her daughters are technically my 2nd cousins... but they are more like just regular ones :) But they are amazing.. I love them so much! They are like the 1st kids I remember from being babies until now.. I remember growing up how people would say STOP GROWING! YOUR GETTING TOO BIG! and now I catch myself saying that to them.. Rebecca, her oldest, is the first person I ever babysat.. AND NOW SHE IS ON STAGE dancing a SOLO!!! She won a scholarship and was able to do a solo dance.. Only 4 of them danced this year, but Rebecca and Rachel, the two oldest are just awesome!! The others are just still so cute because they are young.. I used to dance where they dance so it makes it that much more special :) They rock.. I don't have any pictures from that though :( They turned out to be too blurry!!

Then on Sunday, we skipped out on church... yikes... and just relaxed since I had to be at work on Monday. So we hung out at home.. Then we went to my cousin Aly's again, and took Katelyn's "1st" Birthday pictures.. they turned out SO cute!! I found a cute tutu and a big pink bow, and that is what we had her wear :) Oh I just LOVED it..She has the prettiest, longest baby eyelashes, with bright blue eyes.. She is just gorgeous.. PLUS I am her Godmother, so I just eat that up! :) Here are a few!

Alright, SO I am going to end with one of my favorite SONGS and a good quote :)

I was walking home from school on a cold winter day
Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way
It was getting late, and I was scared and alone
But then a kind old man took my hand and led me home
Mama couldn't see him, oh but he was standing there
And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers


Oh I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love

When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees
There's always been someone to come along and comfort me
A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helping hand
A phone call from a friend, just to say I understand
And ain't it kind of funny at the dark end of the road
That someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope

They wear so many faces, show up in the strangest places
To grace us with their mercy, in our time of need


To guide us with a light of love

A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, May 14, 2009

SO ready...

So... for those of you who know I have been off of work for medical reasons.. I will spare you all the horrible details, if you are family you know about it, BUT.. I AM HEALTHY NOW..THANK GOODNESS .. It has been terrible, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.. I get to go back to work on Monday!! I am so ready to be back on a schedule and have normalcy! I have never been more ready to be back at work in my life.. I am also just ready for a weekend where I feel good, which will (fingers crossed) be this weekend.. who knows I may have a beer or a glass of wine! yay!
SO I shot a wedding a couple of weekends ago, Troy and Miriah were SO much fun. I have gotten some of the pictures are just a few...

There will be a million more to come, seeing as I took like 900!!!! It was a great time!

I also just edited my sisters senior grad party invite.. I can't believe that my youngest sister is graduating high school. It is pretty surreal. I am so proud of her. She is such a great girl! I really like the invite! For those of you who know her, your invited! The more the merrier!

So since I have been sick and needed something to take my mind off of what is going on in my life I have decided to start a garden. We have a townhome so it is a Patio Garden of Pots! :) It is so cute! I will post pictures of it as it grows! But anyways, we are growing Tomato's, Green Beans, Green Onions, Jalopeno, Cilantro, Basil and flowers on our front porch! The tomato plant is already growing like wildfire! It is amazing what a little bit of water, sun and Miracle Grow can do, and we just potted it on Sunday.. hopefully it will produce great veggies for us!! My main goal is to make a lot of yummy salsa!! I make it every year with my mom's veggies.. Murphy our cat keeps looking out there all the time.. too bad he is not allowed out! We don't want to lose him! Here are some pictures of the garden today!

Alright well I think that is enough for today.. I have updated you all a little on my life.. I am not sure if I will be able to update this everyday, or every other day or once a week.. But I do know that I really like this a lot so far! :)
And my quote...
"One of the greatest gifts that life can give to anyone is the very special love that families share...As years go by, it's good to know that there will always be certain people in our lives who care. For there are countless things that only families have in common and memories that no one else can make...And these precious ties that bind a family together are bonds that time and distance cannot break. How fortunate we are when we have relatives to love us, it makes the world a happy place to be...Few gifts in life will last as long or touch the heart as deeply as the very special gift of family." - Craig S. Tunks

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ahh what a week...

Hi everyone! My name is Lindsey... So I decided to join this blogging world so that I can start journaling more.. Matt and I are a young married couple. He is 24 and I am 22.. We got married in August and it was amazing..and still is!

Matt works for UPS and then he also coaches Varisty Soccer for Madison Christian School...

I work for a Chiropractor and am attempting a career in photography as well.. It is my passion. When my camera is in my hand I am in my element.. :)

We together have a cat named Murphy, and I must admit he is the cutest/coolest/meanest/whiniest cat in the world. But he makes us very happy...

Ok I think that is enough for now... :)

I think I will always end with a good quote...

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything."